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Name: Benny Tan
Age: 25
DOB: March 11, 1983
Currently: Working Adult
Loves: Being stressed up and working under pressure
MSN: novenics[@]
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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Back from the Army! Finally!

Okay, i'm back. I can't believe i actually forgot to add a new entry before i enlisted on 9th June. Ahh, well, nevermind. And this is actually my first book out after being in Pulau Tekong for the whole of 2 weeks, away from civilization.

Being in the army, was a different feeling, there were strict rules to follow, and lots of vulgarities were used everywhere. I was clueless about the army before i enlisted, so after being in there for the whole of 2 weeks, i learnt many things, including ranks and such.

It was physically demanding too, but i didn't mind it, afterall, my priority in National Service, is to build and train up my body in 13 weeks. I could already see results just after 2 weeks. And in fact, i gained a total of 4 to 5 kg in these 2 weeks!

I especially loved the food there, rumours spreading that the food in Pulau Tekong sucks were quickly erased from my mind. There is western food, chinese food, prawns, chicken fillets, anything you can think of! Just spare the delicacies like bird's nest, abalones and sharks fin from me!

Oh yeah, i'm also botak now, dun wanna post up my picture, haha, and i love the tan on my body now, haha, more manly, i supposed.

Well, i'll be back to update, i'm just too tired...

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