Yo Peeps, Behold.. A long post lies ahead of you...
Its been a long absence babes and hunks.. I could do anything else, but i was a little lazy on blogging during my weekend bookouts. I had to treasure that 24 hours book out every weekend and make full use of the time, man.. Everything came out smoothly, i've graduated from BMT, although inter-personal relationships didn't came out well in the camp, but i soon realised that, it wasn't entirely my fault after all. Remember i was talking about my best buddies in BMT, especially in my section? Yep, i went into the army with the intention to train up and give my best. I soon realised that i almost landed myself into trouble when the my 2 buddies always tried to malinger their way through. Most of the time, they seem to escape responsibilty and roles passed on to them, and they will only do it when they have no choice, otherwise, you'll see them disappear into thin air without a trace, yeah. That's the sentence, all of a sudden, they just disappear. Yes, they malinger, they are my best buddies. What have become of us now? ![]() We probably fell out with each other already. The person whom i got along well as of the end of BMT is Boon Keong. He's willing to make the effort to really persevere and cheong along with me, its great motivation. What actually happen? I'm sort of the person who's not afraid to confront, correct mistakes and even question on the spot if i see things going out of the way. I basically feel that, its better to thrash things out immediately instead of waiting here and there, then resulting in the backstabbing of people. 1 of the common mistakes in that friendship was that, they keep blaming me for exposing them whenever they try to malinger, haha, yeah rite, if i can actually expose them so many times, means that i am probably not the only one who feels that way too. What does the term exposing mean? Scenario 1 *Work Comes* A: Starts to do something so unrelated which is kinda obvious Me: Hey, you can do that later, let's go help out A then stares back at me with that kind of *suspicious looking eyes* **Exposed** Scenario 2 *Work Comes* A suddenly slips off and disappears The rest will go and help out, and when the work is done, they suddenly reappear again. Me: Yo, where did you all go? There was something to do earlier on A: Huh, i don't know.. i went to do something else more important.. Me: .... But you all were here just now wat.. A then stares at me with that 'suspicious looking eyes' like how you half close your eyes and stares at ppl from a certain angle while tilting your head. A: Tell you later, tell you later.. *Obviously he's scared of the people around him finding out* No offence, but that really shouldn't be the way when everyone else is trying their best instead of you all. And i'm not just directing this sentence to just my 2 close buddies, its also for the rest who actually tries to feign their way through too. Its a waste of them if you 'keng' your way through these 2 years, i would rather you try and in a way, improve yourselves too. These 3 months we've forged close relationships, and towards the end of it, its almost broken. How am i able to salvage this friendship if you guys keep things to yourself and keep discussing on ways to avoid extra work? Oh, and good luck to all the substitutes who've had to cover your guard duty shifts during the bloc leave, because for some reason, the 2 of you fell sick again :) And may i present to you, the Kewl Gang! Looks like 1 big happy family! We've been through so much. The graduation parade was really fun, the rehearsals were sucky though. All of us had to repeat the sequence over and over again. It also marks the end of our greulling training that we've suffered for the past 3 months. And for those who's going on further to command school, there's more to come, haha. The trainings are even more 'siong' than normal Basic Military Training. It was also our honour to have Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as our reviewing officer. It was the first time to have a Prime Minister appear in Graduation Parades. Why did he actually want to come this year? Rumour has it that his son is also in the Parade, wow. How true is it? I don't know.. The parade started out with the marching of contingents into the parade square into their positions. Total of 8 companies are involved in the graduation parade. The parade proceeded with a song of ' Stand up for Singapore', then arrival of Prime Minister, followed by a salutation from us to PM Lee. PM Lee gave a speech on his NS life and how different it is presently, he was also invited to inspect the contingents at the front. Company by company, we would have to march past the grandstands filled with friends and families of the trained soldiers, dumped all our helmets and SBOs in the carpark, and then proceeded to run into the parade square in an orderly manner while singing a song entitled, ' Training to Be Soldiers' Once in position, parents are invited to go up to the soldiers and put on the jockey caps for us. To me, it was the most meaningful part of the parade, as parents actually see the process of being a recruit to a private, the end of our BMT. My dad, gf and me. She doesn't look pretty here ley.. aiyoh.. haha, don't know what happened.. We began the Infantry Roar with synchronised dance moves, and when it ended, all of us threw our jockey caps high up in the air. All of us screamed and shouted like we've never done before. Others hugged and embraced each other.. (EWW) and the rest ran around the parade square. The Orion Company We were the 5th company to book out on that day.. There was a long queue, there were many people, many happy faces, many happy families. Everybody felt good on that day, i really liked the feeling, haha. 1 last look, back at Pulau Tekong Terminal.. I wonder if i still have the chance to step back into that island again... Its been an enriching experience for me, at least i know that i've done my part and tried my best in whatever is given to me there :) I leave sadly, in search of better experiences and dreams outside this island. Not very sad, but just normal sad, haha. Goodbye NS BMT friends, hope we'll meet each other on the streets again, it was fun while it lasted! |
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